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"Aleksandar Lukić"
A resilience-based approach in managing the closure and abandonment of large mine tailing ponds (2020-05)
D. Komljenović, L. Stojanović, V. Malbašić, A. Lukić, A resilience-based approach in managing the closure and abandonment of large mine tailing ponds, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 737 - 746, May, 2020 -
A resilience-based approach in managing the closure and abandonment of large mine tailing ponds (2020-05)
Д. Комљеновић, Л. Стојановић, В. Малбашић, А. Лукић, A resilience-based approach in managing the closure and abandonment of large mine tailing ponds, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 737 - 746, May, 2020